This purpose of this website is to provide access to information and photographs pertaining to the wetland in TMK parcels 42083074 and 42083075 owned by LACUS LLC. According to permit applications, their intent is to fill the wetland and build 35 three and four-bedroom single-family houses and duplexes. However, as can be seen in multiple photographs on this site, large areas of these two lots are wetland and should be protected from urban development. The wetland in essential for protecting the Kaelepulu Wetland Bird Preserve. When the previous owner attempted to drain this wetland, a large silt plume flowed into Kaelepulu wetland.
In 1977 the US Army Corps of Engineers asked Earthwatch Environmental Resource Investigators to prepare a report of Wetlands and Wetland Vegetation in Hawaii and they came to the conclusion that this parcel was indeed a wetland.
There are three requirements for an area to be determined a wetland:
1. Hydrophytic Vegetation
(note presence of California Grass and absence of Haole Koa in Heavy Equipment in Wetland photos and Location Photos)
2. Standing water at times
(see photos from March 2012 , 2010 and 2011 and 2013 wetland and 2013 neighboring property)
3. Wetland (hydric) soils present
(see Trenches December 2011, TMK 42083074 and TMK42083075)
All three required conditions exist for all of the lower parts of these parcels to be classified as wetlands.
We want to ensure that LACUS LLC follows the proper procedures and regulations so that the land is developed in a manner that does not destroy the functions and values provided by these wetlands to the community at large.
Kaelepulu Pond relies on remnant wetlands, including those on these two parcels, to help moderate the adverse impact of storm water runoff to the water quality of this estuary system. The pond supports three species of endangered Hawaiian waterbirds and provides essential spawning and rearing habitat for several recreation fish species.
Please help us to protect these public resources by protecting the public functions and values of the remaining wetlands within the watershed.